The following file is required for this lesson:

Demo Instructions

You can follow along with your instructor to complete this build and/or you can use this document as a guide in completing the demo build.


  1. Download the file and extract the contents.
  2. Create a folder called demo-box-model and copy the extracted contents into this folder.
  3. The resulting solution looks like (multiple screenshots from a single web page):
  4. The first step is to modify the styles.css file in your css folder using the following rules (images of the code are shown; the comments with each style rule can be omitted):
    1. Create a class to target the margins of a <section> element:
      section margins
    2. Create a class to target the borders of a <section> element:
      section borders
    3. Create a class to target the padding of a <section> element:
      section padding
    4. Finally, create a class to targe the width of a <section> element:
      section width
  5. Link the stylesheet to your index.html file.

    In the following steps, the sizes shown for each <section> element might be different on your computer.

  6. In the second <section> element apply the .margin-section class, save and view the results in your browser, and using the browser’s developer tools.
    margin-section-01.jpg margin-section-02.jpg
  7. In the third <section> element apply the .border-section class, save and refresh the browser to see the changes applied.
    border-section-01.jpg border-section-02.jpg
  8. In the fourth <section> element apply the .padding-section class, save and refresh the browser to see the changes applied.
    padding-section-01.jpg padding-section-02.jpg
  9. In the last <section> element apply the .width-section class, save and refresh the browser to see the changes applied.
    width-section-01.jpg width-section-02.jpg

Exercise Instructions

There is no related exercise for this walkthrough.

For each of the classes applied, do the math to see the actual size the sections take up on a web page.

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