Test Drive System
We will test drive our system with the file BoardTest.abs.s19
- Download this file, remember where you put it.
Watch the following video again starting at 6:30 minute, where it shows how to create a new code warrior project from scratch. Then open code warrior and create a new project as shown in the video, the name of the project does not matter.
When you open CodeWarrior a Startup dialog box should appear, if not go to File/Start Dialog…
From the Startup Dialog box click Create New Project.
Then under Select the derivative to use choose HCS12XD Family/MC9S12XDP512
Also choose USBDM in the Connections box. Then click next.
Then choose Single Core, and click next.
Then make sure the C box is checked and all others not. You can change the name of the folder and place to store it on your machine but for now just leave the default. Click next.
No need to add existing files so click next.
We want None for Rapid Dev Options. Click next.
Choose ANSI Startup Code, Small Memory Model, and IEEE32 for both float and double. Click next.
Finally check NO to PC-lint. Click Finish.
Then in CodeWarrior, start the Real-Time Debugger by clicking the slanted green arrow.
Click on OK, once or twice until the program is downloaded to the micro board.
Select the USBDM HCS12 Menu bar tab.
Select Load ….
Change Files of Type to Motorola S-Record .s?.
Locate the file BoardTest.abs.s19, that is on your machine, then press Load Code. You will have to click OK again to download this code to the micro board.
Run the software by clicking the green Start arrow to see if your board is working properly. You should see text on the LCD and the yellow 7-segment display should be counting fast in hex. Press any button to continue the test.
Click the red Reset Target arrow to stop the program.