Calendar 2024 Winter
- Projects (P); 8 total; 62% of final mark; 7.75% each.
- All Projects are due on Sunday of the week at 11:59 PM.
- Labs (L); 9 total; 18% of final mark; 2% each.
- All Labs are due on Sunday of the week at 11:59 PM.
- Exams (E); 4 total; 20% of final mark; 5% each.
- All Exams are done during class time.
Week | Assessment | Day1 (2 hrs) | Day2 (2 hrs) | Day3 (1 hr) |
1-J06 | L1-Diodes | Intro/Diode-Physics | Diode-Models | |
2-J13 | L2-Rectifiers | Rectifiers | Rectifiers | Rectifiers |
3-J20 | L3-Filtering/Reg P1-Power-Supply |
Filtering/Regulation | Filtering/Regulation | Filtering/Regulation |
4-J27 | L4-BJT-Switch/Bias | BJT-Intro | BJT-Switching | BJT-Biasing |
5-F03 | P2-TPole/HBridge | BJT-Totem-Pole | BJT-H-Bridge | Exam1-Diode-Apps |
6-F10 | L5-FET-Switching | FET-Intro | FET-Switching | FET-Switching |
7-F24 | P3-Transistors | MOSFET | MOSFET | CMOS |
8-M03 | L6-OpAmps | OpAmps-Intro | OpAmps-Configs | OpAmps-Diff-Amps |
9-M10 | P4-Summing-Amps | Summing-Amps | Summing-Amps | Exam2-Transistor-Apps |
10-M17 | P5-Instrument-Amps | Instrument-Amps | Instrument-Amps | Instrument-Amps |
11-M24 | L7-DAC | Dig-Analog-Con | Dig-Analog-Con | OpAmp-Issues |
12-M31 | P6-Issues/Filters P7-Filters/DAC |
Filters | Filters | Filters |
13-A07 | L8-Comparators | Comparators | Comparators | Exam3-OpAmp-Apps |
14-A14 | L9-ADC | ADC | ADC | EASTER |
15-A21 | P8-Comparators-ADC | EASTER | Exam4-Comp-Apps |
General Resources
CMPE1400 Lessons, Projects, Labs, and SA’s with NO ANSWERS by Ross Taylor
Semiconductors by Circuit Bread
- youtube video playlist; first 12 are on diodes, next 9 are on transistors.
Transistors, How do they work by Lesics
- youtube video 6.52 min
Why it was almost impossible to make the blue LED by Veritasum
- youtube video 33.44 min; very good history lesson with great animations.